Tag Archives: Disciple whom Jesus loved

Jesus’ Post Resurrection Appearances

Jesus appears to Mary - 1

from Google Images

Below one will find a chart with approximate times of Jesus’ appearances to folks, after he rose from the dead. Obviously, seeking absolute accuracy is impossible. The scriptures simply are not that detailed that they would offer such precision, so some guesswork needs to take place in such an endeavor. Nevertheless, what appears below will agree with the scriptures. Some things that I have written will not be embraced by all, but that’s okay. I have endeavored to be as accurate as the scriptures would allow me to be. I haven’t knowingly assumed any doctrine of men, rather, interpreted what I have seen in the word of God and wrote what seemed good to me. I hope that even among those who disagree with me that one can understand why I have interpreted the scriptures in the manner in which he reads here. Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on May 3, 2021 in Epistle to the Hebrews


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Striving to Be Great

Washing Feet

from Google Images

As the New Covenant was inaugurated with the passing of the bread and the wine, Jesus broke what was perhaps the moment of contemplative silence with the words: “… the hand of him who betrays me is with me on the table” (Luke 22:21). This time instead of saying to Jesus, “Is it I,” the apostles’ inquiries were directed toward one another. “Who could this be? Is it you, James or you John? The two of you are impulsive and have moments of terrible anger, wanting to call fire down from heaven to destroy people. Is it one of you? Perhaps is it you, Matthew. You were a tax collector, whose business was full of deceit. Deception would be easy for you. Is it you” (cf. Luke 22:23)? Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on February 10, 2021 in Epistle to the Hebrews


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The Betrayer and the Lord’s Supper

Lord's Table

from Google Images

When the time had come, that is, the particular day had arrived in which his final meal with his disciples was to be eaten, Jesus came with the Twelve and told them that he longed for this hour or day to arrive. However, we may need to ask what did he mean? Was he referring to that particular meal that he longed to share with his disciples? Or, did he long for a particular day to arrive and share his final meal with them (Luke 22:15)? It seems to me that Jesus referred to a particular day, as is seen in Luke 12:50. Jesus often spoke of his coming sufferings and death (cf. Matthew 20:17-22; Mark 10: 31-38), and the Gospels point to a specific hour or day that Jesus was destined to face (John 4:34, John 7:6-8, 10, John 10:39-41, John 12:27-28, John 18:11, John 19:30). It was this day that he longed to share with his disciples, those closest to him. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on February 8, 2021 in Epistle to the Hebrews


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