Tag Archives: veil

The Old Covenant – a Veil of Darkness

In Hebrews 12:18-21 Paul recounted the experience of the ancient Jews under the Old Covenant, when they first appeared before the Lord on Mount Sinai during the days of Moses (cp. Exodus 19 and 20). He contrasts this incident with the New Covenant experience in Hebrews 12:22-24. The initiation of the Old Covenant was a terrifying experience, one in which they all thought they might die. In fact, anyone, whether man or animal, that even touched the mountain had to be slain (Exodus 19:12-13). Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on December 22, 2021 in Epistle to the Hebrews


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The Rending of the Veil

Temple Veil

from Google Images

I wonder how one would explain the fact that, if Jesus’ crucifixion took place at either of the two most popular locations, how any of the Gospel writers could know that the veil of the Temple was torn from the top to the bottom. If the writers of the Gospel wrote only what they witnessed or what other disciples witnessed (cf. Luke 1:1-3), how was it known how the veil of the Temple was torn or even when it occurred on that day? After all, both popular crucifixion sites are found on the other side of the city and behind the Temple. The only possible location for the crucifixion to have taken place, and for the disciples to actually see what occurred in the Temple was east of the city on the top of Mount Olivet! Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on April 28, 2021 in Epistle to the Hebrews


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