Tag Archives: stealing

Why Did Judas Steal from Jesus?

Judas - 6

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Less than a week before the crucifixion, Judas was openly indignant over the honor done to Christ by Mary, as she poured out her expensive ointment upon Jesus’ feet (John 12:4-5). Judas believed that something or someone else was more worthy of the valuable contents of Mary’s bottle (John 12:6). In an earlier post, which can be read HERE, we saw that Judas was one who had been devoted to Christ, but his heart began to change and became increasingly more committed to someone or something other than Jesus. His friendship and loyalty to the Lord was apparently overshadowed by something else that compelled him to steal and even covet the love offering of another poured out for Christ. He would rather have sold the contents of that bottle and used the money for something else. What changed Judas? What made him a thief? He was the treasurer of the group, but he stole from what was entrusted to him (John 12:6). Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on March 3, 2021 in Epistle to the Hebrews


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