Tag Archives: shame

The Disciples Forsook Jesus

All Forsook Him

from Google Images

As Judas’ betrayal took place, and when the apostles saw there was danger, they asked the Lord for their orders. They were not afraid. They were willing to fight, even with only two swords (Luke 22:38) against the multitude! While Judas would feel comfortable in today’s media, draining funds away from the Lord’s use to spread the Gospel, so he might support his own cause, Peter would have loved to lead a crusade. Both attitudes are wrong and do not serve God. One would steal in the name Christ, the other would kill in his name. Judas would exploit Christ for his own ends, while Peter would make presumptions upon his Master’s will and risk all for victory. While abiding in Christ (John 15:1-7) one does not act out of Adam’s strength or use this world’s methods (Matthew 26:52). Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on March 12, 2021 in Epistle to the Hebrews


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Why Did Elizabeth Hide?


from Google Images

The Gospel of Luke is the longest of the four Gospel narratives, but we need to remember that when it was first written it was a scroll. The information one could put on a scroll was limited. Although authors today are able to write large volumes having 600 or more pages, it wasn’t like this in the 1st century AD. By comparison the Gospel of Luke, the longest Gospel narrative, is less than 100 pages by today’s standards. Space was a premium! Luke had to limit himself to what was important to say and not be carried away in digression, concerning unnecessary events. Why, therefore, does he believe the fact that Elizabeth hid herself for five months is important? Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on November 9, 2018 in Epistle to the Hebrews


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