Tag Archives: Protestants

Peter Denies Knowing Jesus

Peter Denies Jesus - 1

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The Jewish authorities arrested Jesus and led him away to the house of the high priest, and Peter followed at some distance (Luke 22:54). It would be an error to say that the Apostles were cowards. They were, indeed, willing to die with Jesus or be arrested with him, but all this was in the context of unbelief. They simply didn’t believe what Jesus told them, i.e. that their hearts had forsaken the way he taught them (Mark 14:50). They were acting like men and not messengers of heaven. They took on the posture of rebels, willing to fight their enemies with swords. This is the world’s way to attain victory, but Jesus claims to be our ‘Way’(cf. John 14:6) – i.e. his example points to victory. If, then, Peter followed Jesus (Luke 22:54; cf. Matthew 26:58), it was in the context of unbelief not an expression of loyalty. His posture was that of a rebel, and he followed Jesus as a spy, not a disciple. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on March 15, 2021 in Epistle to the Hebrews


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