Tag Archives: king

The Levitical Priesthood v/s Melchizedek

In Hebrews 7:11-15 Paul compares the priesthood of Aaron, which arose out of the tribe of Levi, with that of Melchizedek, who wasn’t related to Abraham at all. Yet, the new priesthood, which would replace that of Aaron (cf. 1Samuel 2:35) would become the priesthood of the believing community of the Israel of God. How does that happen, and why should it occur in the first place? These are the questions Paul seeks to answer in these next few verses. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on September 13, 2021 in Epistle to the Hebrews


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Are YOU the King of the Jews?

Are you King of the Jews

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Pontius Pilate was a very cruel Roman governor, who ruled the Jews for about 10 years (25/26 AD to 35 AD), during the reign of Tiberius Caesar. The fact is, he was removed from office in 35 AD by his immediate superior, Vitellius, the Roman president of Syria, because of the indiscriminate and cruel manner in which he governed Jewish affairs. The fact is that Pilate was probably a bigot. It seems he bore a hatred for the Jews. From the very beginning he showed little respect for their religious beliefs. Josephus even mentions that when Pilate first took the reins of governorship of Judea, he secretly brought images of Caesar into Jerusalem,[1] something his predecessors hadn’t done, no, nor any governor after him. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on March 26, 2021 in Epistle to the Hebrews


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The Charges Against Jesus

Brought Before Pilate

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After finding Jesus guilty of blasphemy, a verdict requiring death under the Mosaic Law (Leviticus 24:16), the Sanhedrin, immediately, brought Jesus to the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate (Luke 23:1; cf. 3:1), because, under Roman Law, the Jewish authorities had no right to execute anyone for a crime (John 18:31). Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on March 24, 2021 in Epistle to the Hebrews


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Hosanna to the King!

Jesus on a Donkey - 1

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After finding the animals the disciples returned to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives (Luke 19:35-38). They then placed their garments upon the animals and Jesus on the colt and marched toward the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem. While they went they placed their garments in the path of the colt upon which Jesus rode, while they shouted “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest” (Luke 19:38). Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on November 16, 2020 in Epistle to the Hebrews


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Theophilus and the Herod Family

High Priest - 2

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Luke’s preface to his Gospel shows that he intended his Gospel narrative to be an apologetic (Luke 1:4) for Most Excellent Theophilus (Luke 1:3). Thus, Luke identifies him as an official of some rank, for he quotes several people addressing the Roman governors, Felix and Festus, in very same manner (see Acts 23:26; 24:3; 26:25). While most scholars conclude that Theophilus must have been an official of some kind, they conclude he was a new gentile convert to Christianity, but this doesn’t seem plausible when one considers the context of Luke’s uncluttered narrative. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on October 26, 2018 in Epistle to the Hebrews


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