Jesus Accused Judas of Slander!

08 Mar

Slandering JesusOn the evening he was betrayed and immediately after the evening meal, Jesus had washed the disciples’ feet, he announced that they were spiritually clean, except for one of them (John 13:10-11). Judas was unclean, spiritually. What does this mean? For a few days now I have been looking at Judas’ heart. His loyalty to Jesus was divided by his commitment to a cause, presumably a political cause, so Judas was probably a Zealot or a member of a similar political group. 

More than any other Gospel narrative Luke writes about prayer. He begins and ends his Gospel in the Temple with someone praying. Jesus prayed in Luke 9:18, and immediately following that prayer, he asked the disciples who they thought he was. Peter immediately confessed Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of the Living God (Luke 9:20). Peter’s statement was the direct result of Jesus’ prayer. Jesus said his Father always answered his prayers (John 11:41-42), so the fruit of Jesus’ prayer was the Father speaking his word to the disciples within their hearts (Matthew 16:17). So, Jesus must have been praying for evidence of this very matter. Jesus then told Peter he was listening to a “still small Voice” (cf. 1Kings 19:12) within him. He didn’t learn this from a man, but from God alone. This was a spiritual breakthrough for the disciples in their walk with Christ.

Notice, however, what happened almost immediately afterward. On the way back from Caesarea Philippi where Peter made his confession, Jesus began teaching the disciples that he would go to Jerusalem and suffer many things and finally be killed, but he would rise again (Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:31). As they were walking, he spoke of his death, because, since they were listening to the “still small Voice” within, they should have been able to understand why he must die. Nevertheless, while Jesus was speaking and walking with them, Peter took him aside to rebuke him (Mark 8:32), believing the Messiah doesn’t die but leads the oppressed Jews out from under the yoke of bondage. Mark 8:33 says that Jesus immediately turned around to look at the disciples. It was as though Jesus paused here before rebuking Peter to look at the one who was speaking to them instead of his Father.

Judas and Peter probably had a chat about what Jesus began teaching them. The voice of Judas became a competitor of the “still small Voice” within the others. Judas was louder and convincing. Nevertheless, Jesus told Peter to get in step behind him, because Peter was listening to the voice of a man, an enemy, and not of God (Mark 8:33). Judas was living out the role of a slanderer (John 6:70),[1] telling the other disciples that Jesus really was mistaken about his role as Messiah. The Scriptures plainly teach that it was Judas who was mistaken and Jesus fulfilled his role very deliberately! Judas was spiritually unclean and worked against the spiritual breakthroughs of the other disciples.

Most likely, Judas, and not Peter, was the most outspoken of the apostles. Peter was groomed by Christ to listen to that “still small Voice” within (Luke 22:32; Matthew 16:15-17), but Judas was one who thought he already knew. Peter’s spiritual blindness was being healed through Christ, but Judas trusted in himself, in his own understanding. Judas thought he knew Jesus, and was unaware of his own spiritual blindness within (cf. John 9:39-41). Judas spoke out when he thought others were doing wrong (John 12:3-5), not so much for the sake of righteousness but for lost opportunity to advance his own cause. At other times, possibly because he felt he might be rebuked, he influenced the others to speak out against an assumed wrong (cf. Mark 14:3-6 & 10-11). He was a hindrance to the spiritual growth of the others, because he was spiritually unclean (John 13:10-11).

At times it is difficult to “see” or “hear” what the Lord wants to do or say today. I need to focus on him—shutting out the world around me, and let **him** speak to me. The world—religious, political or moral that often seems so correct—needs to be silenced, while I seek Jesus and him alone. I need to consider my heart and be assured Jesus is my Way, my Truth and my Life. The alternatives often seem good, wise and pleasing, but they are not eternal, and they are not what the Lord wants me to build my life around. I need to fill my heart with Jesus, and may the abundance of his love deposited there overflow to others in whatever I say here. I want to lift him up for all to see. Praise God!


[1] The term devil (diabolos G1228) means accuser or slanderer (2Timothy 2:3, 11; Titus 2:3). The fact that it is nearly always translated “devil” often obscures its real meaning or the intent of the Scriptures.


Posted by on March 8, 2021 in Epistle to the Hebrews


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5 responses to “Jesus Accused Judas of Slander!

  1. Woodrow Nichols

    March 8, 2021 at 12:53

    And you accuse me of overspeculating? Try reading this with my eyes. It is no accident that in Gnostic circles Peter was the bad guy.

    Woodrow Nichols

  2. Eddie

    March 8, 2021 at 21:17

    Greetings Woodrow,

    Concerning speculating, the difference between you and me is that your statements declare something is so. You don’t say you are speculating. I introduce my speculations with words like “probably” and “possibly”. I then often point to a Scripture upon which my speculations are based. There is a big difference between what you say, Woodrow, and what I say.

    Concerning Gnostic circles, I don’t receive Gnostic opinion as truth. You may say what you please about Gnosticism, but in my blog they are false prophets.

    Concerning Judas being a slanderer. Jesus said that and John explained who Jesus referred to (John 6:70-71). I accept the text as is. You don’t. That’s another big difference between you and me.

  3. Woodrow Nichols

    March 9, 2021 at 16:39

    Of course I take a verse for what it says and don’t try to mesh it with another contrary verse because I know that God is cool with this because it is true. Lest you forget, you once accused me of taking the verses in Genesis literally and you were right, I read it literally as a fable, where animals talk, a wisdom fable. You make up a totally speculative story and report it as fact. You are blind to your own hypocrisy, but I still have hope for you.

    For example, the endings of Matthew and John already infer that an ascension has taken place and Jesus has returned from heaven. His return is in Galilee in Matthew and likely in the orginal uncut Mark, and yet on the Resurrection Day in John. Taking these verses for what they say causes a contradiction with Luke’s Ressurection Day Ascension at the end of Luke, but 40 days later at the beginning of Acts. In Matthew and John Jesus remains on earth, in Luke he plays Superman and flies up to heaven only to return at some incredible date in the future. I take the contradiction as a teaching event and trust the Holy Spirit to guide me in the truth.

    Woodrow Nichols

  4. Eddie

    March 10, 2021 at 05:22

    Greetings Woodrow, and welcome!

    Last night I prepared a reply of 775 words in my Word suite. Your comment entails only 212 words. Often when I prepare a reply in the evening, I wait until morning to post it. I decided not to do so, this AM. Defending myself, is not what this is about. Folks are able to read my post and your comment and decide for themselves what’s what. So, I decided to post your comment with this explanation on my part. I also left out any reply to all of your comments on the ‘ends’ of the Gospel narratives, so all of my original reply focused on your first paragraph (90 words in my Word suite). Concerning the ‘ends of the Gospel narratives’ we can discuss those when we come to them in Luke. First, I’ll state my case in a post (study); then you can comment, if you are still of a mind to do so, but discussion about the content of my post, whether it is mostly speculation or mostly commentary about what Jesus said and did is pretty much in the hands of those who read what you and I have already said.

    Have a good day, Woodrow.

  5. Woodrow Nichols

    March 10, 2021 at 22:38

    I agree that you don’t need to defend yourself. Your views are fairly detailed and I often learn a thing or two from them. I enjoy our conversations. Love in Christ,
    Woodrow Nichols